
We run all social media pages and manage calls to action like volunteering, protests, community meetings, petitions, handing out flyers, photography, and so much more. If you are a social and hands-on person, this groups is for you.


We write and review content. We handle the messaging for social media posts, calls to actions, petitions, email templats to send to leadership, blog posts, website content, flyers, and much more. If you want to help remotely and have a way with words, this groups is for you.


We read existing policy and call out concerns. We draft policy and communicate changes we want to see. If you have experience or interest in legislature and politics, this is the group for you.


We scour the internet for information to amplify our message and ensure we are backed by credible data and resources. We read through police contracts, manuals, documents, and so much more. If you want to help remotely and like to read, this group is for you.